Glad you are here and want to find out more about us. The Edmond Church of Christ is an active community of faith in Edmond, OK, made up of Christians who care for each other and want to serve God. Every Sunday, hundreds of men, women and children from various backgrounds come together to worship God, declare faith in His son, Jesus, and explore the Bible.
Our faith is not just practiced on Sundays. It is the foundation for every relationship and all the events of everyday life. We believe our faith should make a profound impact on our lives, including our relationships, jobs, resources, and decisions. We view the Bible as the inspired Word of God, and we strive to follow the teachings and principles of the New Testament. As a community of faith, we take our purpose of "Making Disciples" from Jesus' commission in Matthew 28.
Let us pray for you
Fill out an online prayer request form if you have a concern to share, a burden to carry, or a praise to share. Our shepherds will remember you in prayer.
Join us for worship and Bible class this Sunday. Two options for worship: 8:15am or 10:40am.
Bible classes: 9:30am
Interested in joining us for in-person worship or want more information, please email Kevin.
Can't make it in person? Join our livestream Sundays at 10:40am or anytime afterwards on Youtube.
News & Events
marriage encounter weekend feb. 14-16
Married couples of all ages in all stages of life are invited to Marriage Encounter on February 14-16 at the Chickasaw Retreat Center in Sulphur, OK. Guest presenters, James & Kaytie Jo Simmons, from Tulsa, will share on the theme "This is Our Story; Rooted in His." Make the investment of this weekend to grow closer to God, your spouse, and other couples. The discounted cost for two nights, meals, meetings and activities is $225 per couple. For more information, contact Jeremy.
children's ministry hosts church-wide food drive
Some of our children in 2nd-6th grades will be filling food boxes on Feb. 23. These boxes are used to help provide basic food items to people in need in our church and community. You can help out by donating food items. Please drop them off in the foyer by Feb. 23. Access the list of needed food items here.
resources & support for foster & adoption
First Sunday Night for the Master of the month at 6:00pm in Room 217
We want to support foster and adoptive families in the church and community by creating a space to care for and provide resources for each other. Meetings will be a time of community, information and support. If you are currently or have been a foster or adoptive parent in the past, you are invited to join! If you know of a family who would benefit from this ministry, please contact Sam Day or Shani Heitmann. This group will meet the first Sunday Night for the Master evening each month.
2025 ministry involvement opportunities
Be a part of the GREAT THINGS God will do this year by getting involved in service and ministry. Sign-up today for a specific ministry task or to be involved in an area of service. Forms are available online or in the foyer. “...just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:2)
help & support for those grieving loss
GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way. GriefShare started Sunday evening, Jan. 12, at 6:00-7:30pm in Fellowship 1 and is facilitated by caring leaders Marty & Kelly Lewis and Allen & Jeanette Wiederstein. There is still space for you! The group is free and childcare is provided. For more information, contact Jeremy.
2025 bible reading plan to add spiritual practices
Our personal Bible reading plan for 2025 provides flexibility while also challenging us to incorporate specific spiritual practices into our regular rhythms and routines of life. Instead of set readings each day, there are specific books of the Bible to read each month plus a few Proverbs and Psalms to read each week. Read at your own pace. Along with the readings, there are some specific spiritual practices recommended during each quarter of the year. As you draw near to God this year, open your eyes and heart to see the great things He will do.
Join us this week
You are invited to join us this week. We are located at 801 South Bryant (corner of Bryant & Ninth, across from Hafer Park).
8:15am Worship service (auditorium)
9:30am Bible classes for all ages
10:40am Worship service (auditorium) (Staffed Nursery, Bible Hour & Toddle Time for children). This service is livestreamed on our YouTube channel.
5:00pm Sunday Night for the Master or Flex Sunday
Wednesday evenings:
5:00pm Early Bird class (Quad)
7:00pm Various adult classes
For the church office, call (405) 341-3353 or email