Sonshine School has 10 classes ranging from ages six months to half-day Pre-School. The classes each have two teachers. Special consideration is given to teacher/student ratio for every age level. Our classes have age-appropriate pre-school activities which may include cooking, literature, music and their own curriculum. Lessons incorporate Bible stories that teach morals and wholesome living.
The younger children are taught beginning concepts like colors, shapes and age-appropriate activities. We have two Pre-K classes that focus on preparing the children for Kindergarten. Their curriculum includes counting, letter recognition and sounds, fine and large motor skills and art.
Our teachers are dedicated to teaching the children in a loving manner. Teachers attend workshops and lectures to continually improve and enhance their curriculum and to get fresh and new ideas.
The directors are here to help make Sonshine School a wonderful place for our children. The office is open during Sonshine School hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Messages can be left in their office on other days. To speak with a director, call 341-0653.
Enrollment Schedule
Our regular session is September through May with our summer session running during June and July, which includes k-5th grades. Our school year is based on the Edmond Public School calendar. We will observe the holidays and bad weather closings of the Edmond Public Schools. Please consult your school calendar for specific dates and holidays.
For more information, call 341-0653.