Welcome to the Edmond Church of Christ

(and our website)


Who We Are...

The Edmond Church of Christ is an active community of faith made up of Christians who care for each other. Every Sunday, hundreds of men, women and children from various backgrounds come together to learn about Jesus and worship God. 

Time is spent in Bible classes where teachers explain the stories of the Bible to elementary students while adults apply Biblical principles to real-life and the challenges we face. Little children sometimes learn to say “Jesus” for the first time in Bible class.

Christian faith is not left just for Sunday. It is the foundation for every relationship and all the events of everyday life. We believe our faith should make a profound impact on our lives, including our marriages, families, jobs, resources, identities and decisions.

We view the Bible as the inspired Word of God, and we strive to follow the teachings and principles of the New Testament while walking in the way of Jesus.

What to Expect

We hope you will join us for one of our services on Sunday. Most guests attend our late morning service that begins at 10:40am with a special Children's Story Time on the stage area for any kids in attendance who want to participate. For early risers and to accommodate some people's schedules, we also have a worship service at 8:15am that you are more than welcome to attend. The same sermon is preached live and communion is served at both morning services.

You will notice that the Edmond Church of Christ is a large church (approx. 1,000 in attendance on Sundays), so to meet more people and get better connected, we encourage you to check out one of our Bible Class groups that meet on Sundays at 9:30am (between the two worship services). We have classes/groups for all ages that meet throughout the campus. Click on the "Our Classes/Groups" tab to find out more. 

Guest parking is located on the north side of the main building, but feel free to park anywhere you like and enter at any of the three main entrances (Circle Drive on the southwest side, North Entrance on the north side, or Chapel Entrance on the east side). Someone will be at the door to greet you when you arrive. 

As far as attire, wear what you are comfortable in. Like most churches, you will find people wearing a little bit of everything, from jeans & T-shirts to business casual, and even a few suits and ties.

We do not introduce or try to embarrass guests and visitors in our service, but we do ask you to consider signing our virtual welcome book so we can meet you. To access the welcome book, a QR code will be on the screen and on the printed bulletin on Sundays. 

Also, be sure to stop by the Welcome Center located in the lobby. First-time guests receive a special gift at the Welcome Center. Volunteers there want to meet you and are available to answer any questions you have, including helping you find a good fit for a Bible Class group to check out.

If you have specific questions about your visit, email us or call (405) 341-3353. Hope to see you this Sunday!

What We Believe...

The purpose of the people making up the Edmond Church of Christ is simple: we want to honor God with lives wholly devoted to Him.

Whether we are together in a worship service, at school or our jobs during the week or spending an evening with our families, we want to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. 

A brief description cannot adequately explain our convictions in detail, but there are some basic items that anchor us together:

We Believe in One God

We believe in the one God revealed in the Bible. We believe the one God is made up of the three beings known as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Bible is God’s Word

We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. We are confident God inspired the individuals that wrote each book of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. 

When we need direction in life, are confronted with temptation, or need a source to bring hope, we turn to the Bible. The Bible is our guide for everyday living. Our goal is to be Bible-based.

We are committed to the continual study of God’s Word, the Bible, to see how we can most closely give God the personal and collective worship He desires.

The Body of Christ

We believe the church is made up of God’s people on earth. Jesus is our head, and we are His body (Galatians 5:23). We do not seek to be a denomination, we merely want to be the body of our Savior.


From our understanding of the New Testament, there are some important elements associated with salvation. Every element is rooted in scripture. These steps are actually a process in which a person grasps them both emotionally and intellectually. 

The Lord says we must believe in the power and person of Jesus Christ (John 3:16). It is also necessary for us to repent, or change our way of living that is against Jesus (Acts 2:37-38). 

Jesus has also asked us to be willing to confess to other people that we are His (Romans 10:9-10). God, through the New Testament, also directs us to be immersed, or baptized, into Christ (Romans 6:3-11). At that point we become part of Christ’s body (Galatians 3:26-27). 

Just following the above steps certainly does not mean the Christian conversion is complete. Instead, a wonderful life in Jesus begins.

Christ Will Claim His Own

We look forward to the final day, when Jesus will claim His own for an eternal home with Him. According to 1 Thessalonians 4:17, Jesus will return in the clouds and his followers will rise, meet Him in the sky, and ultimately be with Him forever.

Biblical Worship

Most people notice our worship is unique in two aspects: a) our singing is voices only (no musical accompaniment) and, b) we participate in Communion every Sunday. 

We do not do these things uniquely just because we like them better in this manner. We do so because our study of Scripture has led us to believe this is the way we can best honor our Lord.

Our worship services are also filled with biblical teaching (sermons), congregational singing, prayer, communion, and giving. You are more than welcome to attend a worship service and/or Bible class with us!

  • why be baptized?

    Are you curious about baptism? Have you heard several different views and opinions about the purpose and/or method of baptism? Take some time to see what the Bible says about baptism. To help you in your study of this important topic, download a brief booklet entitled Why Be Baptized by Tim Kelley, a recently retired minister in Chico, CA. If you have questions after reading the book and studying the scriptures, feel free to call 341-3353 and we can assist you. If you are ready to be baptized, let us know!