In a time when biblical marriage is under attack and families seem to be falling apart at the seams, there is a desperate need for Christians to build godly homes. The Edmond Church of Christ wants to help families take a stand against Satan’s attacks and become faithful families of God. The Family Life Ministry of the Edmond Church of Christ is a needs-based, proactive ministry aimed at building and nurturing strong Christian families.
Needs-Based Ministry
To be most effective, the Family Life Ministry aims at meeting the specific needs of the families in the church and Edmond community. A detailed questionnaire, called a Family Needs Analysis, is used to measure and determine the needs of our families. Ministry efforts, programs and activities are then built around those specific needs.
Preventive Ministry
The Family Life Ministry is proactive and preventive in nature. While therapeutic measures like counseling are necessary, this specific ministry focuses on proactive methods to strengthen all forms of family. Couples and families are equipped with the proper tools — both biblical and practical — to better deal with the multiple issues of family life.
Marriage Enrichment
We want marriages to not just stay together, but to thrive! Marriage enrichment programs like Dynamic Marriage, United Marriage class, Marriage Mentors, Prepare/Enrich, marriage classes, and the annual Marriage Retreat are offered on a regular basis.