Our Missionaries

  • thomas simubali / zambia (Namwianga mission)

    Thomas Simubali, Director of the Christian Leadership Development (CLD) at Namwianga Mission, developed the strategic agricultural assistance program to gain acceptance of local tribal chiefs. He has taught workshops for the community and improved the farm and livestock operations so that they are a revenue source for the entire mission. Through these efforts, local villagers are seeing the light of Christ and hearing the gospel message. He, alongside Wilson Siazilo, lecture for the Christian Leadership Development and are key workers in the Evangelism and Spiritual Growth Outreach.

  • wilson siazilo / zambia (namwianga mission)

    Wilson serves as an Evangelist and Food Relief Coordinator in the Namwianga Mission in Zambia. In his role, he helps provide practical application of church development skills through community outreach for recent graduates of George Benson Christian College. He, alongside Thomas Simubali, lecture for the Christian Leadership Development and are key workers in the Evangelism and Spiritual Growth Outreach.

  • KINGSTer FOLOWKE / zambia (namwianga mission)

    Kingster Folowke is the newest member of the team of key leaders the Edmond church supports at Namwianga Mission in Zambia. Mission Field Superintendent, Itone Kaliyangile, said, "We call him Evangelist Folowke here [because] he is enthusiastic about weekend outreaches [to local churches]."  Kingster and his wife Matilda have one son but are also foster parents to three nieces. He is a graduate of Mapete Bible College and will soon complete his Master of Education program at one of Zambia's universities. He is a lecturer in mathematics at George Benson Christian University College at Namwianga; and additionally serves as the Spiritual Chairperson who gives strict guidance to the students' daily lives and religious practices.

  • EUNICE MUNKOMBWE, Michael Sibajene / the haven, zambia, africa

    With the return of Jana Miller to the states in 2022 after seven years in Zambia, she successfully handed off the work of Haven Reunification to the Haven Social Worker, Eunice Munkombwe and Driver Michael Sibajene. Successful healthcare strategies and a push by the government social welfare office to encourage family reunification sooner have led to a much smaller number of babies in care at The Haven than in the past. We are celebrating all the families that get to stay together, but there is still work to be done. Michael and Eunice will continue to serve the children that are placed in Haven care by bridging the gap between the children and their families. Eunice and Michael are working towards permanency for the current children in our care. This includes counseling families as babies are put into care, visiting the families within one month of intake, and with increasing frequency as the children prepare to return home. Eunice will facilitate overnight visits of Haven aunties with the families of each child before they are reunited. She will continue to implement programs that help families become more stable, such as goats for school fees and the garden workshops with Thomas Simubali.

  • Ubaldo & marisol camacho / aquiles, mexico

    Ubaldo and Marisol Camacho are missionaries in the Tamaulipas state of Mexico. Ubaldo grew up in the valley near Aquiles and as a child attended VBS and helped guide our group up the mountains to other remote villages during the annual campus ministry mission trip. Growing up in the region, he is very familiar with the people. He, alongside Ismael Resendez, provides ongoing teaching, guidance, and ministry throughout the valley region.

  • ismael & ofelia resendez / tamaulipas, mexico

    In 2019, Ismael joined Ubaldo Camacho in the rural mountain villages of Mexico as our full-time missionary. For over 30 years, we have invested in the birth and growth of the Church in Aquiles and the surrounding state of Tamaulipas. In his new role, Ismael works to plant churches, train and mentor leaders, host special events at the campground, and preach and teach throughout the region. Ismael and his wife, Ofelia, have three children: Brandon, Alejandra & Grecia.

  • Julio Alberto & Karina Alcerro and Eduardo Cisnero, along with Josué David and Marilyn Alcerro, began their mission work in Jinotepe, Nicaragua on April 1, 2017. In 2023, when the Alcerros moved to Honduras for David to enroll in the Baxter School of Preaching, missionary Marlon Ubeda stepped in to join the team.  This team brings a lot of excitement and enthusiasm to the mission field. Julio Alberto is the son of a long time, well respected preacher in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. He met Eduardo at the Bible Institute of Central America (BICA) and have worked together in the mission field for the last several years. They have the goal of creating self-sufficient, self-governing, self-evangelizing, and self-reproducing and enduring congregations in Nicaragua. In April 2018, they moved their mission to Matagalpa, Nicaragua where they established a congregation, and now have moved on to the city of Sebaco to establish and build a congregation there. 

  • MARLON & DENISE UBEDA / sebaco, nicaragua

    After moving to Honduras to enroll in the Baxter School of Preaching, Josue David is being replaced by Marlon Ubeda on the mission team in Nicaragua. He and his wife, Denisse, and daughters, Camila and Isabella, are working with our other missionaries, Julio and Karina Alcerro and Eduardo Cisneroto, to establish and build a new congregation in Sebaco, Nicaragua.

  • Juan & Elizabeth espinoza / Diriamba, Nicaragua

    Juan Espinoza, along with his wife, Elizabeth, are working with a team in Diriamba. Currently, they are spending the majority of their time in evangelism, helping to grow the church membership, teaching the new converts, maturing them in their Biblical knowledge and understanding, and helping to establish key church programs such as work distribution, leadership through a men’s committee, home Bible studies, youth and children’s programs, and VBS. They will also providing much-needed support for the Luminares Teen Bible Camps in January and hosting two evangelism campaigns per year.

  • Orestes Hernandez / Niquinohomo, Nicaragua

    Orestes and his family are on a mission team with Lester Flores. Orestes and Lester have been presenting seminars, Bible studies, outdoor worship and Zoom classes since their work in Niquinohomo began a few months ago. They have already brought many souls to Christ including a family of 5 members baptized recently.

  • lester flores / NIQUINOHOMO, NICARAGUA

    Lester is on the mission team in Niquinohomo that includes Orestes Hernandez and his family. Lester and Orestes have this to say about the work in Nicaragua: “It is impressive how we have had to adapt to social networks, how this has become something normal, so every day to be close to people, to be able to use this tool for the Church, and that is what the faith community in Niquinohomo has taken advantage of, thinking that years ago this type of service was not possible. On the other hand, we recognize that it is best to be together, that this will never be replaced, but for the common good we must adapt. God is at work in Niquinohomo, and Edmond is part of this blessing.”

  • Brandon marin / masaya, nicaragua

    Our newest missionary began his work in Nicaragua in 2021. Brandon graduated from the Bible Institute of Central America (BICA) in 2019 at the top of his class. He works with former Edmond missionary, Harold Ampie at the Sajuanjoche church of Christ in Masaya. They will spend the majority of their time in evangelism and teaching the new converts. They will develop church programs in men’s ministry, leadership, home Bible studies, youth and children’s programs and host evangelism campaigns. Brandon, along with our other Nicaraguan missionaries help lead the Luminares bible camp in January and June.

  • Kye & LYDIA courtright / Leipzig, germany

    Kye is a lifelong member of the Edmond Church of Christ. While attending college at Oklahoma State, he took several mission trips to Germany. Upon graduation, he immediately returned to Germany to work with the congregation in Chemitz where he has served since 2016 with the youth ministry and young adults. Kye met and married his wife, Lydia in Germany in September 2019 and they are now working with the Leipzig congregation.   Click here for their latest newsletter. 

  • CHRISTOPHER CROWDER / coleraine, northern ireland

    Christopher Crowder serves as associate minister of the Church of Christ in Coleraine, Northern Ireland. A lifelong member of the Edmond Church of Christ, Christopher has served the Coleraine congregation first as the youth minister since 2018 and most recently as the associate minister. He spends most of his time working with a local non-profit, continuing to work with the youth, working at Camp Shamrock, and participating in reconciliation between Catholic and protestant congregations. In the summers, he hosts mission groups from Lipscomb University and Harding University.

  • roger & diane saumur / montreal, canada

    Edmond’s involvement with the work in French-speaking Quebec began in 1984 when the church started supporting Mike Mazzalongo. He converted Roger and Diane Saumur and mentored them. After the departure of the Mazzalongo family in 1987, Saumur became Edmond’s minister for the Verdun congregation in Montreal. Since that time, the Canadians and Edmond’s members have developed and maintained a close association. The Saumurs make annual summer trips to Oklahoma for mutual edification and several Edmond members have journeyed north to worship with the Christians in Verdun. Despite a devastating fire, the transient nature of a cosmopolitan city, and the difficulties inherent to a strongly secular society, progress has been made and the church is standing firm.  

  • JACOB & VANESSA LUISIUS / Cazeau, Haiti

    Jacob and his wife, Vanessa, one of our newest missionaries, live and work in Cazeau, Haiti. Jacob was orphaned with his sister at a very young age and came to live at the Cazeau Christian Orphanage. He graduated in December 2021 from the government-recognized, four-year Delmas Theological Seminary, housed in the Delmas Church of Christ. He works with the youth of the congregation, teaches in the Christian school, and works with Christian leadership camps in the summer, which have seen over 50 teens baptized in the past two years. Jacob excels at leading teens to find and follow Jesus. 

  • MAIKEL & LARITZA ZAMORA / trinidad, cuba

    Maikel, Laritza, & Samira Zamora are one of our newest missionary families, serving in Trinidad, Cuba. They have just returned home to Cuba after a two-year training program at Baxter University in Honduras where Maikel graduated at the top of his class. The Zamoras will begin their work in Trinidad, Cuba where the current church in the city has reached its capacity as set by the Cuban government. In Cuba, churches are required to meet in private homes rather than church buildings. The city is ripe for spreading the gospel, and Maikel & Laritza are targeting a growing and underserved demographic in the city. They are very thankful for the Edmond church’s support.

  • Marco tulio & Heidy vivar huertas / zacapa, guatemala

    Marco Tulio and his wife Heidy are our newest missionaries in Central America. They work with the Iglesia de Cristo in La Union, Zacapa, Guatemala. The college ministry has been supporting Marco and his family through the two week summer mission effort since 2013. Marco and his wife have worked part time for many years and it has long been their desire to work full time in evangelism and restoration. The Edmond Church began supporting their full time work in January 2019.

  • GUSTAVO GARCIA / alamo, tx (near mcallen)

    With the recent retirement of Humberto Hernandez from full time ministry, Gustavo Garcia is now the minister at the Owassa Road Church of Christ in Alamo, TX. The Edmond Campus Ministry has been going to the Rio Grande Valley for many years to work with the congregation and surrounding area during the Spring Break mission trip. Gustavo alongside his wife, Denora and children Elizabeth and Gustavo Jr., have a growing presence in the Alamo community and surrounding area. The Edmond congregation is thankful for the continued relationship with the members at Owassa Road. 

  • JESUS CERVANTES / airport church of christ, okc

    Jesus Cervantes (pictured with Tony Sepulveda) is a 1998 graduate of Sunset School of Preaching in Lubbock Texas, and was a minister in Hereford, TX, for two years before moving to Oklahoma City to start a Spanish-speaking congregation at Southwest Church of Christ. After preaching there for a few years the Spanish congregation was relocated to where it is now on 3800 S. Woodward Ave. Mr. Cervantes has been preaching for 32 years. The membership at Airport Church of Christ is around 35-40 members. The Edmond Church of Christ alongside our Hispanic Ministry is looking forward to working with and supporting the members at Airport Church of Christ.

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