Give thanks or make a prayer request...

We are committed to praying for each other because we believe there is great power in prayer (James 5:16). Especially during this unusual season of uncertainty because of the threat of the coronavirus and the subsequent quarantine, we recognize how important it is to stay connected through prayer.

If you would like to share news about something for which you are thankful or a specific prayer request, please post it below. 

You can choose to post your prayer request for public viewing so others can join you in prayer, or you can submit it only to Edmond leaders (shepherds & ministers) who will remember you in their prayers. 

Click on the praying hands icon below to let the person you know that you are praying for him/her. They will receive an email notification letting them know that someone is praying for them. Thank you for being committed to prayer.


please pray for my wife Lucy 2nd battle with stage 4 gastric cancer WE NEED A MIRACLE !!!


My husband Jeff was just diagnosed with Liver cancer. He will begin chemotherapy on March 6. We are members of the Lords church in Lakeland FL. Thank you!


I am thinking of my bride of 56 years—Lavetta Williams.. She will be 77 next March 8.She is in the Hospice program in Goodyear, AZ. Cancer came on quickly. On this Valentines Day do you believe that. she is the only girl I have ever kissed. I Love her with all my heart. Please pray for her in her dieing days.


Please pray for peace and comfort for my husband who is in memory care at the VA Center. Also pray he will keep his happy countenance that everyone enjoys and loves I am so grateful to all our brothers and sisters for all the kindnesses during this difficult transition time.


prayer for my up coming bladder cancer surgery

My prayer request...

Share your reason for thanks & praise or make your prayer request below.

If you would like to receive an email notification when someone prays for you, click "notifications" below.